Better Food

Better Food is an independent organic food store and café, with three sites across Bristol. Established by Phil Haughton in 1992, Better Food’s ambition is to support local and rural communities through responsible and thoughtful retail. They pride themselves on stocking local, organic and ethically-sourced products, and on being a force for good in the communities they serve.

“When I first walked into Better Food on Whiteladies Road in Bristol I felt a level of excitement about shopping for food that I hadn’t experienced in years. It was early autumn and on the pavement outside the shop a stunning display of colourful squashes (including my favourite, the crown prince, with its dusky grey-green skin concealing sunset-orange flesh) vied for my attention alongside wooden crates of beautiful British apples and pears. The organic fruit and vegetables inside were equally bursting with vibrancy and life. They looked as if they’d been picked that very morning, and no doubt many of them had.

As I ventured further inside, taking in the deli counter and the dairy, the dry store shelves (and let’s not forget the chocolate and coffee, and of course the booze…) I thought how lucky I was to have just moved within walking distance of this haven of seasonal goodness and rich flavours. And I thought how great it would be if everyone had such a place at the heart of their community.

I could sense this wonderful shop was the vision of somebody who understood that the food we eat, where it comes from and how it is produced, is absolutely central to the quality of our lives.”

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

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